Compared to
the full results of a stat(2)
system call are
returned and some columns are returned as S3 classes to make manipulation
more natural. On systems which do not support all metadata (such as Windows)
default values are used.
- path
A character vector of one or more paths.
- fail
Should the call fail (the default) or warn if a file cannot be accessed.
- follow
, symbolic links will be followed (recursively) and the results will be that of the final file rather than the link.
A data.frame with metadata for each file. Columns returned are as follows.
- path
The input path, as a
character vector.- type
The file type, as a factor of file types.
- size
The file size, as a
numeric vector.- permissions
The file permissions, as a
integer vector.- modification_time
The time of last data modification, as a POSIXct datetime.
- user
The file owner name - as a character vector.
- group
The file group name - as a character vector.
- device_id
The file device id - as a numeric vector.
- hard_links
The number of hard links to the file - as a numeric vector.
- special_device_id
The special device id of the file - as a numeric vector.
- inode
The inode of the file - as a numeric vector.
- block_size
The optimal block for the file - as a numeric vector.
- blocks
The number of blocks allocated for the file - as a numeric vector.
- flags
The user defined flags for the file - as an integer vector.
- generation
The generation number for the file - as a numeric vector.
- access_time
The time of last access - as a POSIXct datetime.
- change_time
The time of last file status change - as a POSIXct datetime.
- birth_time
The time when the inode was created - as a POSIXct datetime.
See also
to display file information for files in a given
.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())
write.csv(mtcars, "mtcars.csv")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 18
#> path type size permissions modification_time user group
#> <fs::path> <fct> <fs::bytes> <fs::perms> <dttm> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 mtcars.csv file 1.74K rw-r--r-- 2024-04-27 07:31:00 runn… dock…
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: device_id <dbl>, hard_links <dbl>,
#> # special_device_id <dbl>, inode <dbl>, block_size <dbl>, blocks <dbl>,
#> # flags <int>, generation <dbl>, access_time <dttm>,
#> # change_time <dttm>, birth_time <dttm>
# Files in the working directory modified more than 20 days ago
files <- file_info(dir_ls())
files$path[difftime(Sys.time(), files$modification_time, units = "days") > 20]
#> character(0)
# Cleanup